Thursday, February 14, 2008

first post!!

Finally after diff rounds of toughts I ME MINNU decided to blog!
i love readin blogs ! nd its one of ma untold hobbies !

its been 2 weeks im sittin simply in frnt of an as/400 emulator! its sick really sick!!

(for tose who donno wats tis as/400 ill explain latr)

doin nothing not even movin frm ma chair! god dnt giv tis pleasur evn to ma enimies! once in a while i try to browse ill b welcomed with the screen:


Horrible rt!
so i cant browse ma regular sites! not even i can sms nybdy ,u knw im joblesss!
so the whole day siting nd starin it goes on! ill b relesd fr lunch i ll b runnin to meet ma friends ! bt since ma stomach is roarin ill b more keen to knw wats goin insid te kitchn of amb!!!

sinc i don want to see te emulator tdy, i startd googlin frm the mornin itself nd i ended up in blog! nd ended up in this ting!

m windin fr te day!